Is your firm not listed yet? – No problem – please send us an E-mail with your company name, Tel. and  Fax number, address and indicating the desired section – see DIRECTORY. This entry on the English and German page is FREE OF COST!

Or would you like to be listed with a link to your company`s own site? – Nothing to it – just send us an E-mail with your company name, the text with which you would like to briefly present yourself and identifying the relevant section. Company name and text should not be more than 136 characters long incl. blank characters. Since the company name is written in bold print, the number of characters available decreases with the length of the name. Here is an example of an average length:

Model Firm Inc. – USA-CA12345-Modelcity - complete systems, portable IPCs, compact PCs, panel PCs, CPU boards - VMEbus, -PCI, -compact PCI, PISA;

It is possible to display two different texts for the English and the German page. This entry incurs a fee (by 30.June.2003 - free of charge - s. offers). The price always applies for a double entry - once on the English and once on the German page. The price depends on the desired placement – see price list.

Integrate an advertising banner? Or present a new product? Or publish a piece of news? – Please go ahead, this is how it works: you send us your prepared copy in the following format: width: 300 pixels, height: min. 100 pixels / max. 500 pixels as *.html or *.jpg or *.gif; Java applets or anim.gif are also acceptable.
In the case of banners: the price depends on the size of the window and placement - see price list. First, though, you should make inquiries as to which slots are still free - see Status.

Presenting a new product under NEW PRODUCTS: the price is nonrecurring and depends solely on the size of the window - see price list. The entries are placed chronologically according to the time at which the order was received and will remain on view for at least 3 months.

Current news: general, industry-specific and non-commercial news without publicity-oriented hyperlinks are free of charge. As soon as direct or indirect publicity enters into the equation, they incur a fee and the same rules apply as under NEW PRODUCTS - see price list.

Jobs – vacancies and situations wanted: the same rules apply as under NEW PRODUCTS - see price list.

Useful links: usually entered by the editorial department. We would greatly appreciate any suggestions and hints.


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Introductory offers !!!

All first-entries in the index by 30.June.2003 are free of charge !!! and between 01.July.2003 and 31.Dec.2003 with a 50% discount

All second-entries in other section by 30.June.2003 with a 50% discount

Until 30.June.2003 we only charge a handling fee of 20% of the regular price for all advertising inserts, new products, current news and job vacancies / situations wanted and from 01.July.2003 until 31.Dec.2003 we grant a 50% discount.